QUINZIEME COLLOQUE GRETSI - JUAN-LES-PINS - DU 18 AU 21 SEPTEMBRE 1995 A Simple Cost Function For instantaneous and Convolutive Sources Separation A. Mansour, C. Jutten INPG-TIR,F 46, avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex and Groupement De Recherche GDR.134 dtl CNRS ABSTRACT In general case, the solution of the blind separation of sources is based on a cost function, which may be a contrast function, or a polynomial function of laugher order statistics. In this paper, we propose a simpler cost function, based on 4th-order crosscumulants can be used for the separation of N sources frown N mixtures instantaneous as well as convolutive, provided than sources have the same sign of kurtosis.