Eusipco - 96, Trieste - Italy SUBSPACE METHOD FOR BLIND SEPARATION OF SOURCES IN CONVOLUTIVE MIXTURE. ALI MANSOUR 1,3 CHRISTIAN JUTTEN *1.3 AND PHILIPPE LOUBATON 2.3 1 INPG-TIRF, 46 avenue Felix Vialet, 38031 Grenoble Cedex (France) 2 Univ. de Marne la Vallée, 2 rue de la Butte Verge, 93166 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex (France) 3 GdR Traitement du Signal et des Images, CNRS ABSTRACT For the convolutive mixture, a subspace method to separate the sources is proposed. It is showed that after using only the second order statistic but more sensors than sources, the convolutive mixture can be identified up to instantaneous mixture. Furthmore, the sources can be separated by any algorithm for instantaneous mixture (based in generally on the fourth order statistics).